Setting Intention

This morning I went to Hot Power Yoga.  If you have ever taken a Yoga class you’ll know the instructor typically starts class by suggesting you set an intention for your day’s yoga practice.  I typically attend Yoga to relax, to help stretch my body from more aggressive workouts and for exercise. Without thinking about it, my intention for class is typically for my body to feel better.  Today was different, when the instructor asked us to set our intentions for class I didn’t have a reason different from the norm, so she actually offered a suggested intention which was to put myself first.  For the rest of class I did just that. I thought about myself, my strength, my balance, my purpose and what I want for myself in that moment and for future moments.  I needed today’s class to bring me back to my balance.  As it has gotten lost with the hustle of life.

My Yoga practice today is no different than my new journey.  To be mindful of putting myself and my needs first.  It’s really hard to do, put your needs first.  Some may judge my situation and think I am being selfish.  That while putting myself first, I am not leading my family-taking care of the needs of my husband and son.   I disagree, by putting myself first and taking care of me–I can be a better wife and mother.  I can be proud of my choices and what I am starting to build for myself. I believe that you put out into the universe what you’d like to get back. I think I am starting to see the positive energy circulating back in the form of new business relationships and happiness at home.

I invite you to take a moment and set your intention for the day.  What would you do for yourself to make a small change in your lifestyle, the way you think? Do you think a small shift in an intention can eventually  lead you down a different more true-to-you path? Take my instructors intention, focus on you and maybe being present in the moment is just what you need for a little re-boot.






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